THE kimdir?
We’ll tell you later.
What is an advert?
It is the speech of the product or service. How does a wafer speak if it introduces itself? What does a car say if it speaks? A holiday package, a dress, a white goods, a bank, a mobile phone… What would they say about themselves if they came alive like a human being… This is what advertising is.
How does THE work?
We will get there.
What is the creative process?
‘No matter how much you know, you are only as much as the other person understands,’ says Mevlana. The creative process is called the time period worked with this approach. The important thing is not fancy sentences or attractive visuals… The most important thing is who the fancy sentences or attractive visuals will be produced for. It doesn’t work when you present a tragedy to someone who likes to laugh. When you tell a joke to someone whose life is arabesque, you become a man whose jokes are not laughed at. This is where market research comes into play.
How does THE manage the processes?
We will summarise in a moment.
What is market research?
When you send flowers to your lover, why do you send orchids instead of chrysanthemums? Because you know she likes orchids. Why do you tell your spouse that your mother is coming to stay with you while shopping, not at home? Because you know when she is in a good mood. Why do you choose Fridays rather than Mondays when asking for a raise? Because you know when your boss is most enjoyable. These are all market research. You adjust your behaviour according to this information. The task of the advertiser is to understand the morale, motivation, dreams and demands of the people they want to sell to. To confront them with the right words at the right time. To convince them to buy.
Who is THE, How Does THE Work, How Does THE Manage Processes?
THE is a 360 degree advertising agency. Of course, the geometric definition does not mean that THE has a round office. We are talking about a 360-degree view of marketing. If a television advertisement is to be made, what should be its advertisements, how should guerrilla channels be used, how should the language to be used in radios be developed, how should digital reflections be planned… This is what is meant by 360-degree advertising agency.THE does not advertise to target audiences, but to target individuals. The consumer who is exposed to the advertisement feels that the advertisement is made only for him/her in the world with a population of 7 billion. Because today, the advertising that provides return is the advertising that appeals to the psychology of the consumer, not the income of the consumer.THE employs 25 philosopher-spirited advertisers who are uncomfortable with each other. What is meant by discomfort is constantly looking for the better. Likewise, if we analyse the history, happy philosophers are rare: It is also important for employees to discharge. For this reason, THE attaches great importance to the candidates having special tastes in recruitment. It encourages those who do not. Of course, we are not going to encourage wrestling, but… From perfume obsessives to rosary enthusiasts, from motorbike enthusiasts to archaeology nuts, different interests are just a few small examples of THE’s fun environment… So… It is also important to have fun while working. If you don’t enjoy writing it, no one will enjoy reading it.As for the advertising process…The advertising process at THE consists of five stages:1- Brief (State Secret) Stage: The advertiser gives the necessary raw information to the agency management. Firstly, a strategic brief is written by conducting market research with raw information. However, this information is not shared with the creative team. The creative team senses something, but the agency management does not give colour.2- Debrief (Lausanne) Phase: The written brief is shared with the advertiser. If the advertiser says to the agency, ‘You understood the brief correctly, bravo,’ the hand is shaken and an agreement is reached. The creative team is still unaware of what is happening and what is going on. He is happy and happy, thinking that he will leave early that evening.3- Creativity (Revolution) Phase: The brief is shared with the creative team. The team analyses the creative work in Turkey and the world. Not to be inspired, but not to do what has been done. To break the memorisation. To make a revolution. Because THE’s creative team knows that non-revolutionary ideas will not be reflected in sales. If it turns out that the idea found at the end of hours and days of work is even made in Sri Lanka, even if it is at 03.00 at night, it is thrown away and a new idea is found.4- Implementation (Ceremony) Phase: THE, which finds what it needs to say in the advert, attaches as much importance to how it will say it as the creative process. From the director of the commercial film to the music to be used on the radio, from the title of the advertisement to the language to be used in digital media, the whole process is handled meticulously. 50% of a successful advertisement is the idea and 50% is the implementation.5- Measurement (Bayram) Phase: At certain times of the year, the work done is put on the table again and the feedbacks are analysed. Successes are celebrated with new suggestions. If deemed necessary, revisions are made in the language of the brand to adapt to changing world conditions.To summarise:THE combines the mind with the idea.This is also the duty of an agency that takes its job seriously.Otherwise, as stated in the proverb: ‘What’s the idea when there is no mind, play Abdurrahman, play Bekir. ’Let’s talk about the details mutually… We call those who do what is necessary for their job professionals. The ultimate goal of a doctor is to cure his patient. The architect’s ultimate goal is to draw aesthetic and useful projects. The ultimate goal of a baker is to make delicious cakes. The ultimate goal of a footballer is to score goals. The accountant’s ultimate goal is to keep accurate accounts. The ultimate goal of the taxi driver is to take you to your destination. The advertiser’s ultimate goal is to produce stories that will increase sales. These are all professionals…
What is professionalism?
In order to explain THE, it is first necessary to look at the definition of the state. The state is the one that thinks about forty (40 in numbers) things at the same time. Thinking about investment while collecting taxes, leaning towards culture and art while planning employment, investing salaries while catching up with defence… Like a mother who thinks of everything for her child. Perhaps that is why they call it Mother State. THE looks at advertising from the state window. While persuading the consumer to buy, it endeavours to make it permanent. While thinking about after-sales satisfaction, it thinks about increasing the profit of the producer. While increasing the value of the brand, it encourages investors to new investments. While adding momentum to the market, it opens the door to new employment. While providing extra earnings to the bosses, it is instrumental in increasing the wages of employees. Rising living standards, art, philosophy, peace, science, etc. throughout the country. It dreams of reflection as art, philosophy, peace, science, etc. From the short story, what you call the advertiser should be the state of the economy. THE is a great state for the economy.
What is THE’s professional approach?
THE’yı anlatmak için önce devlet tanımına göz atmak lazım. Devlet dediğiniz kırk (rakamla 40) şeyi aynı anda düşünendir. Vergi toplarken yatırımı düşünen, istihdam planlarken kültüre ve sanata eğilen, savunmaya yetişirken maaşları yatıran… Evladının her şeyini düşünen ana gibi. Belki de o sebeple Devlet Ana derler. THE, reklamcılığa devlet penceresinden bakar. Tüketiciyi satın almaya ikna ederken, bunun sürekli olmasına gayret eder. Satış sonrası memnuniyeti düşünürken, üreticinin kârının artmasına kafa yorar. Markanın değerini yükseltirken, yatırımcıyı yeni yatırımlara teşvik eder. Pazara ivme katarken, yeni istihdamların kapısını aralar. Patronlara ekstra kazanç sağlarken, çalışanların ücretlerinin artmasına vesile olur. Yükselen hayat standartlarının, ülke geneline sanat, felsefe, huzur, bilim vs. olarak yansımasının hayalini kurar. Kıssadan hisse reklamcı dediğiniz, ekonominin devleti olmalıdır. THE, ekonomi için büyük bir devlettir.